Finding social media accounts with nickname (with ‘sherlock’)

Nijat Mammadov
2 min readMay 10, 2021

Before starting the process i have to say, ‘sherlock’ only work with nickname, not full name. For example, if the target instagram account is “lovescarre”, it’ll search social medias accounts which has named “lovescarre” account. That’s why we can’t find accounts by typing name or surname. Now, let’s continue.

  1. First of all, we have to download ‘sherlock’ on our Linux OS.

Link: git clone

2. Then enter to ‘sherlock’ (cd sherlock) and write this command for the program to work.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

3. After installing complete we can start to use. We just write command as below and put ‘nickname’ to end of it.

Sometimes it returns empty (useless) accounts to us. For example, there isn’t an account with that name in Twitter, or in Chess. In generally, it finds the most used social media accounts (Telegram, Facebook, TikTok, VSCO and etc.) easily. That’s it! See you in next lectures.

